The Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Is Healthy Aging Possible?

Standard medical care is not preventative and does not optimize the transition through menopause and male andropause.  Standard treatment options are limited, work poorly, and are not personalized.  In addition, these options are skewed by Big Pharma to achieve maximum profits.  As a result, both men and women gain weigh and lose muscle mass, strength and bone density, while increasing their risk for heart attack.  Men lose sexual function and are at risk for prostate cancer.  Menopausal women are virtually ignored by standard medical care, despite the significant symptoms and serious side effects of menopause.  They experience changes in pelvic/vaginal tissues leading to loss of urinary function, increased dryness, pain with intercourse and diminished libido.  In addition, the incidence of breast cancer skyrockets post menopause.  With correct use of the proper forms of estrogen, testosterone, micronized progesterone, thyroid and other medications, combined with daily exercise and attention to diet, all these problems can be mitigated or reversed entirely in both men and women.  It is possible to Live Better Longer!

Want to learn more?

Interested in learning more about our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy? Visit our BHRT Services for Men or our BHRT Services for Women.

See Our BHRT Services for Women